
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Welcome to the first episode of Radio Chitaika, a podcast from PJ Library for Russian and Ukranian language speaking families. Our first episode features the story, Until the Blueberries Grow, written by Jennifer Wolf Kam, illustrated by Sally Walker, and translated by Ekaterina Gershenzon Екатерина Гершензон (Rus). Our guest reader is Gera Sandler.
Until the blueberries grow . . . until the grapes are ripe . . . until the snow falls . . . until the flowers bloom . . . Ben tries to convince his great-grandfather to stay in his house just a little longer as the two celebrate a yearly cycle of Jewish holidays together.
Пока не поспеет черника… Пока не созреет виноград… Пока не выпадет снег… Пока не расцветут цветы… Бен пытается уговорить дедушку отложить переезд еще немного, и они проводят весь годовой цикл Еврейских праздников вместе.Radio Chitaika is a production of PJ Library Presents. For full credits and episode notes, please visit pjlibrary.org/podcast.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Enjoy a one-minute preview of the first episode of Radio Chitaika. Series premieres in October!

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Coming to the PJ Library Presents network October, 2023: Radio Chitaika!